The program has a curricular structure of 242 Transferable Credits. The Transferable Credit System (SCT) used by Chilean universities represents 28 hours of intra- and extra-curricular work based on the assumption that a full-time academic year is equivalent to 60 credits. This system helps to improve the transparency, coherence, and relevance of the curriculum with the learning outcomes and the development of competencies in the graduate profile of students. The SCTs of the program are distributed as follows:

  1. General Education courses (24) and Bibliographic Seminar I (4): The General Education subjects, including Bibliographic Seminar I, are advanced level in different areas related to Natural Resources and complement the training provided in undergraduate studies. They must be taken during the first semester and correspond to: Integrated Natural Resources Management, Biogeochemical Cycles, Evolutionary Foundations for the Sustainable Exploitation and Management of Biodiversity, as well as basic training courses.

  2. Specialty courses (12), Bibliographic Seminar II (3) and Research Unit (17): Specialty Courses are those that provide topics in specific areas that are directly related to the doctoral thesis. It also includes a Bibliographic Seminar II and a Research Unit. These courses must be taken in the second semester and at least two electives of specialty must be included. The Bibliographic Seminar II and the Research Unit introduce the student to scientific activity. Bibliographic Seminar II is a theoretical activity that covers topics such as the scientific method, literature review, and scientific article writing. The Research Unit is a practical activity in which the student joins a research group and works on a research project.

  3.  Qualification Examination of the Doctoral Thesis Project (29): It consists of the defense and discussion of the Doctoral Thesis Project before an expert evaluation committee. This activity will take place in the third semester.4) Doctoral Thesis Progress: (120): Consists of presentations that account for the progress of the proposed doctoral research. Four thesis advances will be made every six months from the approval of the Qualification Exam.

  4. Doctoral Thesis Progress (120): This consists of periodic presentations that report on the progress of the proposed doctoral research. Four thesis progress reports must be submitted every six months after the approval of the qualification examination.

  5. Doctoral Thesis. Private Defense Examination (26): This is a private examination of the defense and discussion of the research results with the evaluation committee.
  6. Graduation Examination (public) (7): This consists of a public defense examination, in which the candidate graduates.


In addition, students must demonstrate certain basic knowledge that is grouped into Leveling Sources, such as Instrumental Analytics, Biostatistics, and Project Formulation and Evaluation. Otherwise, they must take these mandatory sources. English proficiency must also be demonstrated, otherwise, the student must take a course.